Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fasobrun Jamil.

No matter how much a person hurt you.
neverhurt them back the same way they did to you.

Don't stoop down to their level,
it will only deteriorate your self worth.

Keep your head high,
endure the pain and be patient.

فاصبر صبرا جميلا

Fix Me.


21 years living in this world, I cannot imagine how much I make mistakes, hurting everyone conditionally,. I advise so and so and so to my friends, but I keep on repeating those mistakes.

Trying so hard to be much better person, from Allah's perspective especially and from people's eyes. InsyaAllah.

Lift me up when Im down. Do not let me walk alone in this Earth.

Friday, August 19, 2016


I can't express with words or any other things how much I thanked Allah for His countless blessings, His countless Mercy, yet I'm still a sinner, who always forget the purpose of me living in this world as His servant.

I've just finished my second year study as dentistry and the result is out already. 

It was on 11nd July 16'. At night. Knowing that the result will be delivered after Isyak, all the things that I do seem useless. My heartbeat racing so fast, I cannot think of doing anything, just ready to perform solat Isyak at masjid and read Yaasin.

After coming back from Isyak, I looked at my phone. Kak Meha said, "Nak tau result ke?" I said yes but I am scared to know it. Then, she was typing, (watta long typing) 

Finally, she congratulated me for getting mumtaz. I am stumbled, Alhamdulillah Ya Allah for Your countless rezeki.

Alhamdulillah, I've got mumtaz three years continuously starting from predental, first year and second year. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah :')

Do you know what, I'm not so good in high school. I didn't get straight A's in SPM. I am ordinary, average student during high school. But after SPM, I want to change my life, I want to make my parents proud of me. I learnt from my mistakes! Allah will help you, if you will to help yourself. Believe in Allah always.

Alhamdulillah again Allah for Your countless blessings <3 font="">

Take a peek at my result:~

*crown and bridge : m
*oral biology : m
*pathology : m
*Al-Quran : m
*tafseer : m
*microbiology : m
*prosthodontics : jj
*operative dentistry : jj
*pharmacology : jj
*feqah : jj
*tarikh tasyriq : jj

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Ya Allah, permudahkanlah. Janganlah Engkau sulitkan. Amin.
رب يسر ولا تعسر يا كاريم

It begin when..

I bargain for a piece of advice from my friend. How to not be disappointed when we try our hardest to achieve something, but in the end, we didnt get them. Its hurt right. Her piece of advice really strikes my heart. I am goosebumps. Her words left me speechless. Left me thinking about the words everytime.

"Depends on Allah. Only Allah." 
"Kalau kita buat sesuatu kerana Allah dan kita bergantung kerana Allah, kita takkan pernah kecewa dengan apa jua keputusan. Takkan pernah bersedih. Takkan pernah rasa putus asa. 
Malah, kita akan bersangka baik dengan Allah, we try to find the hikmah di sebalik ujian itu. Indeed Allah has plan something which is much more better to us :) 

Ya betul. Kalau kita depend kat Allah. Never will we ever ever rasa kecewa. 

Oh Allah, jangan pernah Engkau serahkan diriku kepada diriku.

Because, we are a weak human. Kita tak mampu nak buat semua sorang2. Bergantunglah kepada Allah. Kenapa mesti sombong? Kenapa mesti rasa bangga dengan diri sendiri? Semua tu kurniaan Allah. Berdoa banyak banyak semoga Allah pelihara kita, sayang kita. InsyaAllah. 

Thankyou to kak meha for her advice <3 font="">

Friday, March 18, 2016


Kerapkali aku cemburu dengan markah orang lain. Sometimes, I envy my friends that get higher marks than me :( 

Dear Anis, firstly, you should be praiseful to Allah, for at least you don't get the lowest marks. Cuba pandang ke bawah, dan reflect diri.

Secondly, rezeki orang lain lain. Alhamdulillah Allah bagi kat dia rezeki dapat markah tinggi, tapi rezeki aku, insyaAllah Allah akan bagi the most excellent marks during the final exams. Amin.

Thirdly, Allah nak suruh kau berusaha dengan lebih kuat. Jangan lupa, BERDOA. A lot. Dekatkan diri dengan Allah. Pasti ada hikmah Allah tak bagi the best marks untuk aku buat masa skrg. For He knows what is the best for me :)

Fourthly, please don't compared yourself to others when studying. Its okay to compete, but jangan doakan yang tak baik2. If they get higher marks, be happy for them. Kita kan nak sama sama berjaya san graduate right. So, be happy, always :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I sighed. I complained. "Why did Allah burdened me with something beyond I can bear?" Sometimes, I lose hope, wanna be away from this crowded people and live in my own world. 

But, believe me. Allah give His ujian to His hamba because He cares for us, He still love us. Imagine if you live comfortably in this world, you are in comfort zone without His ujian, He leaves you alone.    You are happy outside, but it was empty inside. 

Indeed, ujian tu pengajaran bagi orang yang beriman. Find the hikmah behind all those ujian that happens to you. 

Friday, February 19, 2016


Nak menangis, tapi aku tahan. Esok exam, tulat ada presentation, requirements tak siap lagi. I really cannot burst out my tears, tonight. 

Too many problems occurred especially when it comes to housemates. Mentally exhausted.

Allahu. T.T

Sunday, January 17, 2016


O Allah when I lose my hope, help me to remind that Your love for me is indeed greater. 

Demi Allah aku tidak kuat. Tapi kerana Allah aku harus kuat.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

exam weeks.

Everytime I would ask myself. "Ya Allah, permudahkanlah aku dan rakan rakanku dalam belajar, dalam menimba ilmuMu di Mesir, dan kuatkanlah ingatan kami."

I depend totally on Allah. For He can give us victory.

Currently, I am in exam weeks. Pray for us. Moga kami berjaya dengan cemerlang amin. :)